This week’s poem

Here’s this week’s poem on Poet’s Corner! What do you think about this poem? How does it make you feel? Any thoughts on the content and meaning? Let me know in the comments!

More Woman (when she realizes he can’t save her)

I am more woman now than before

Pierced lips, clamped tongue –

A girl scared to open doors, afraid

 of shadows in her closet,

the skeletons, the dress

fears hidden in her mind

and a pretty face

at best


I am more woman now than before

When we walked by the river, with visions

of more

Your linked arm

saving myself from me

rigid womanhood,

on the tip of insanity


I am more woman now than before

past doesn’t keep me

paralyzed on the floor

Even when I am lying in bed alone

A body atop dark waters,

one flower floating on


I have cleared my mind

of fears and fictitious saviors

with only half-cares

I’ve learned to trust my own hands -

the woman who everyday falls,

and everyday lands



About the poem ‘More Woman’


This week’s poem/song