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You are someone special, and a poem

Have you ever felt you had nothing going for you? I know I have. I once had a poor self-image and did not feel like anything special. Not only that, but because I thought I was a nobody, I indeed was – to myself. See, what we think we become. Even though I was somebody with a purpose – I was a nobody in my eyes. I always felt less-than.

At the time of my thinking I was a “nobody,” I didn’t have much. And because I didn’t have much going for me in real time, I figured that’s just who I was. With this type of existence, it is hard to see yourself as someone valuable. But I was.

Even during my not-so-exciting life, I was somebody with a purpose, as we all are. I just had to see it myself.

As I began doing things that I wanted to do – like graduating from college, pursuing my passions – I built up faith in myself. And I began to see myself as I truly was.

Even when it seems you have nothing going for you, just know that you are someone special. You might not see it at the time, but you are alive for a reason. If you keep going and keep following your heart, little by little you will gain confidence in yourself. Keep moving forward and the belief will follow.

When you feel like you are a nobody remember you are a someone in somebody’s eyes. Let that be the first step on your journey to seeing your true self.

 Here’s a poem I wrote after being reminded of this very topic.

What steps are you taking to see yourself in a better light? Let me know in the comments!

The Day (when you finally see yourself)

The day you finally see yourself as you ought

I hope the sky opens for you, I hope heaven shines

Its spotlight on you

I hope the rain claps for you –


You who have been waiting in the shadows

To reveal the star playing the part life handed you,

a script in the moving picture you’ve hidden from

with thoughts of you never enough for the limelight

act as though heaven predestined this

when it breathed life into you

you were meant to stand center stage

So, on this day, take hold of your place


I hope that day allows you to walk with your head held higher

Earth’s eyes have been waiting for this hour

For us to beam in a dark universe,

where self-hate and doubt abound,

lies in auditoriums void of light 

but we were never meant to hide in the background

as timid spectators  

we were intended to step on stage and reveal

what’s on the other side of that curtain of time

when will we take our rightful place,

heavenly reflections of what is on the other side,

of what could possibly be –

Oh what would happen if we could all finally see