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Stop dreading, start living

“See, when you anticipate the worst – you will most likely find it. However, when you hope for the best – there is a high probability that you will also find that.” – Izzy Lala

Every day we are faced with tasks and circumstances we may not look forward to or even dread. Some of us have jobs that are difficult for us or families that require our full attention. You may dread going to work or the opposite – coming home.

But I believe we don’t have to live this way. Dread is expecting something bad or unpleasant to happen. It is the fear that something negative will happen or awaits us.

I remember working at a job that I dreaded going to every day. It seemed to be a mundane job to me and one that required so much effort to simply get through the day.

But the truth was that my attitude about it was what made it worse than what it was.

See, when you anticipate the worst – you will most likely find it. However, when you hope for the best – there is a high probability that you will also find that.

And if nothing else, you will at least find a better perspective, and in turn, joy will follow.

Hope is that thing that keeps us going. You may not be working at the job of your dreams, but you are working. You may be living in a place that you dread going home to but consider yourself blessed to have somewhere to go.

I also remember a time when going home meant going back to a depressed state that I was in. So, needless to say, I dread that as well.

Dread is something that can creep up on us, but you don’t have to allow it to rule your life and attitude. I believe we can choose to hope for good things to happen.

Don’t let dread ruin your days. It is a joy-stealer.

Instead, choose to hope and I believe joy will follow.


What do you think? Let me know if this helped in the comments!