“Seeking peace has been valuable to me for many reasons. There are plenty of things that can bring on the anxieties of life, but I think when you take some time to create a space of peace and quiet you will find that it can restore your soul and help you face the day.”
-Izzy Lala
The older I get, the more I value peace. For many of us, all of life’s demands, pressures, and events can put us in a constant state of anxiety and worry. Sometimes, our pressures and demands are those we place on ourselves by taking on more than we can handle, not setting boundaries for ourselves and our lives, or simply not taking time out for ourselves. I’ve been there, too.
Recently, I was reflecting on how much my life has changed in the past couple of years, and I realized how much I have grown to love peace and quiet. What was once something that I was not comfortable with has turned into something I look forward to. Although there is plenty of busyness and events that still occur daily, I have learned to make it a habit of creating peace at some point during the day.
This can be as simple as quiet time at night or in the morning, or slipping away at lunch to your car to find a place of peace and solitude.
These things do not have to be negative experiences or uncomfortable. I think peace and quiet are crucial for mental health. I’ve noticed that when I am racing here and there or when I am around so many people throughout the day, solitude and quiet help to restore me. They also help to ease any anxiety I am feeling.
Although anxiety has its extremes (and in that case, medical attention can help), what I am talking about is the anxieties of life that I think many of us experience intermittently.
Seeking peace has been valuable to me for many reasons. There are plenty of things that can bring on the anxieties of life, but I think when you take some time to create a space of peace and quiet you will find that it can restore your soul and help you face the day.
How do you deal with anxieties in your own life? And how are you creating peace in your life? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!
Our Lord Jesus is my peace. I get into His Word, His promises. Jesus is my comforter, my joy, and my strength. Jesus helps me to accept the things I cannot change and to change the things I can.