I heard it recently said that “expression is the opposite of depression.” I couldn’t agree more. Coming from a person who spent five of the longest years of my life in depression, I can attest to this statement.
But what does expression have anything to do with depression? Well, when you are depressed, the last thing you think you can do is express yourself. Especially not creatively. At least that was my experience. In my time of depression, I felt I could not express anything else except my suffering. Much of my downtime consisted of dwelling on my negative state and emotions. No creative juices were flowing. No spontaneity to lift my spirit. No thinking outside the box. In fact, I was in a box filled with darkness. And where there is only darkness, light just does not seep through you.
If my mind was filled with darkness, how would it be possible to create anything meaningful? How would it be possible to shine my light? After all, I believe when you create something meaningful and true to you, that is shining your light to the world.
Depression has a way of blocking that light. What I always thought when I was in my darkest time, was that I (me, my true self) was suppressed. It was not until I came out of my depression that I was able to find the creator within.
Expression (especially through art) has helped me in so many ways. Through art, it helped me to see my value and show it to others (or rather, shine it on those who chose to see it.) It also helped me to find a voice, when once my voice was lost.
Expression is the opposite of depression to me. So, if you are feeling depressed, but have the capacity to express yourself, do it. Express through art or express through spoken word. Express from the heart and you just may feel depression slowly melting away.
Or, if you are like I was, and do not have the capacity to express yourself creatively, keep holding on. The light has a way of finding you when you are seeking it.
If you have no problem expressing yourself creatively or in another form, I hope you do not take it for granted. Many have lights that have dimmed, so consider yourself blessed and express, express, express.
What do you think?
I think this is a good read. I appreciate your insight. Thank you!
Izzy Lala
Thanks for reading!