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Dressing for Joy and Authenticity

There’s a whole new approach to dressing right now and it’s all about holistic style. That is to say that even getting dressed in the morning and deciding what you wear can be a form of self-care. This approach to personal style covers the whole person, that is – that even dressing is interconnected with how we feel and our values. 

Oxford Dictionary describes holistic as “characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole.” To sum it up, I believe this concept is all about dressing or styling yourself to feel good about the way you look and to feel like you. Rather than hopping on every trend, this holistic approach is all about separating yourself from outside opinions and wearing what makes you feel good. It also appears that this concept serves as a mood-booster – propelling people to choose those items that resonate with them – that make them feel good, joyful, like themselves. 

I, myself, couldn’t agree more with this concept. At a time when trends seem to be coming and going swiftly and now that there’s more inspiration than ever, I think this approach works for anyone looking to feel good and to feel like – well, themselves. 

As someone who has worked in fashion, I have seen the trends evolve and change quite quickly, and it’s easy to hop aboard one trend after another.  And while I feel embracing trends is a good thing (if you’re into fashion), I also think at the end of the day it’s all about feeling your best in what you are wearing. And feeling your best is all about feeling like yourself.

Here’s a few things I’ve learned (and am learning) about dressing to feel good and embracing authenticity. 

Give yourself permission to not dress like everyone else

Although it may be tempting to copy your favorite celebrity or ‘fashion influencer,’ this may be a recipe for discouragement. What looks good on the model you see on Instagram may not look good on you for many factors – body type included. Not everyone is tall. Not everyone is slim. So, a trend may look completely different on someone who is shorter (me included) and not as lean. 

Another discourager when it comes to the appearance of a trend is how confident you are in wearing it. So, I am learning that not everything everyone else is wearing is necessarily for me. Give yourself permission to be unique.

Find out what excites you about fashion or clothing in the first place

Is it the creativity? The authenticity? Self-expression? Or confidence? Learn how to enjoy the process of getting ready in the morning. And then try to recreate this feeling every morning.

Be instinctual

Focus on what you really like and gravitate towards. What are the pieces that resonate most with you? Is it sustainability? Brands you identify with? Certain colors? 

Try to focus on those elements when shopping or getting dressed. 

Do it to feel like you

Our personal style evolves as we do. But staying true to yourself and what makes you feel good should be a priority for those of us who resonate with a more holistic way of dressing and styling. 

At the end of the day, fashion and style can be a source that brings you joy and helps you feel authentic and true. Clothing has a magical way of helping us to feel good about ourselves, while also telling our stories. 

I hope you found this article beneficial. If you did, please share!

And stay connected to IZZY LALA and upcoming posts on facebook and Instagram @Izzylala