Have you ever felt as though you were different from others? Maybe it was in a certain setting – work, school, or a party. You might walk in the room and immediately feel like everyone else is on the same vibe – and then there is you.
Well, I believe many experience this very feeling.…
For many years, I practiced spoken-word poetry – and even have had the privilege of stage performance. What I learned from years of performing has been greatly used in my everyday life. I learned much about myself- but most importantly I learned how to use my own voice. Now that I have a job that…
“I danced in my room to the song, “Girl put your records on.” I danced for the girl who never danced alone. And for the ones who feel they are dancing alone. Even in full room. As a kid, I was always afraid. Always shied away from the spotlight and stage. But not today. Today…
“Seeking peace has been valuable to me for many reasons. There are plenty of things that can bring on the anxieties of life, but I think when you take some time to create a space of peace and quiet you will find that it can restore your soul and help you face the day.” …
Have you ever felt you had nothing going for you? I know I have. I once had a poor self-image and did not feel like anything special. Not only that, but because I thought I was a nobody, I indeed was – to myself. See, what we think we become. Even though I was somebody…
(Disclaimer: I am not a mental health professional. These are just insights I’ve gained from my own healing journey.) Healing. Most of us have experienced some traumatic event in our lives that has left us cold, sour, remorseful, or heartbroken. Amongst other emotions, these feelings can often leave us carrying weight – or…
Many people are hurt or are hurting now. In my most painful memories, I was once that hurting girl, misunderstood in many ways. The truth is that sometimes our actions come out of the pain we are feeling ourselves. It took someone taking the time out to listen to me to help me on…
In what seems like a lifetime ago, I was a girl hanging off a cliff, wondering if I should just let go or hold on. This is how it felt to be on the verge of death and yet still be breathing. This is how it felt to be alive and yet sinking. This was…

“What I mean is I had to put one foot in front of the other before I felt the desire to do more. The desire and willingness came after taking the first step, which I believe is a step of faith in the right direction.” - Izzy Lala