Be proud of yourself - three small ways to celebrate YOU

Have you ever just celebrated you?


Sometimes we don’t allow ourselves to bask in our accomplishments. We are always reaching for the next goal- or the next accomplishment. Then when we get there, we strive for another one. But what if you stopped and reflected on what you’ve already accomplished? Take a moment right now to reflect on something you worked hard at and achieved – even if it is something small. Celebrate your victories!

Although there are many small things we can celebrate – I’m sure there are huge ones just as well that we might not see as anything big. What about that degree you earned? What about that illness you overcame? What about the feat of overcoming adversity no one thought you could? Or, what about the fact that you’ve brought yourself this far – and the reason you are here today is because of your will and strength.

Be proud of how far you have brought yourself. Whether you think you could have done better or think you are not where you want to be. Remember where you once were. And, if you’re like me, you can be proud that you are living what was once the dream.

For me, that dream was simply to be free. Which, in all truth, is not as simple as it seems.


Here are some simple things you can do to celebrate yourself:


Buy yourself something – even if it is small

Who says happiness has to come in a big box? Sometimes it really is in the little things. Buy yourself something (or make yourself something) – even if it is just a cup of coffee - and think about your accomplishments.


Write about it

Write about your victories and then reflect on the strength it took to overcome something to get that victory. Let that be a reminder for you to keep going because you got this. But use this moment to be proud of yourself – even if no one else has said so. After all, YOU are the main reason you are here today. That is something to be joyful about.


Celebrate who you are in this moment

Don’t let the moment pass you by. You will never be this version of yourself again. As you sit and think about your accomplishments, don’t forget to be grateful for the person you are today.

I hope this post today gave you a reason to be happy. You don’t always need someone to be happy, sometimes you just need to celebrate by yourself. And what better way to celebrate than to celebrate YOU?


Let me know what you think about this post in the comments! And be sure to keep reading for more on creating happiness within -

From my Heart to yours.


How to have hope when things seem hopeless


Choose Happiness