How to have hope when things seem hopeless

What do you do when things seem to be getting darker and darker? How does one have hope when things seem hopeless?

Well, I believe hope is that thing that keeps us going – even during the most difficult times. Imagine being in a dark tunnel where you only see a glimmer of light at the end. Imagine getting closer and closer to that light. Don’t you see that it gets bigger and bigger – illuminating a way out?

Once, I was in my dark tunnel. I had a dream that where I was would not always be. But, it was so dark in my tunnel that I doubted I would ever get out. And I doubted my dream would ever come true.

That tunnel was depression. When you are depressed, you feel hopeless. I believe many of us are experiencing this state of hopelessness today.


Here is what I learned about having hope when things seem hopeless:

When you are in a dire state – even then, keep going

I know it’s easier said than done. But when you keep going – whether it is working or waiting – something is bound to happen. Nothing lasts forever. Things are always changing – and it’s even better when you are waiting for change that is GOOD.


If you can see a little bit of good from your end – push towards it

Everyone wants the big stuff – the great things, the happiness, the bigger dreams. But sometimes you have to appreciate the little things before the big thing comes.

Know that a little progress made is a bridge to a bigger change. When I could make little steps towards my light, I began to see it more and more.


Believe things won’t always stay the same

Going through a dark time can cause us to believe that it will always be that way. When all you see is darkness around you and you don’t see your dream any longer, it’s easy to think you’ll always be there. But time has proven over and over again that things are always changing. Nothing lasts forever. Though it may be hard, and you may not be seeing good coming to fruition, believe that the good is getting closer and closer. When you believe that change is possible – you will want to continue.


Believe for the best

What good is it to believe things will only get worse? That only leaves us feeling more and more depressed. Believing in the worst doesn’t give us joy – it only leaves us dreading or feeling sad or mad. Why not believe the best is possible? I believe hoping for the best is the antidote for dread and sadness. When we hope for the best, it encourages and energizes us. 


As you continue your journey, I hope you will keep hope alive inside you. Hope will keep you going – and even more, it will light the way to better days.




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