Enjoy the time - it won’t come around again

How many of us are living lives we don’t like or maybe would not have chosen for ourselves?

I know for a long time I did not like my life and even hated it. I was determined to get to the next level or to get a new life.

But guess what? I did get a new life and I was still unhappy.

Nothing changed for me until I finally decided to change my perspective.

There are so many things we can be ungrateful for in our lives. Maybe you don’t care for your job, or you’re single and you want to be married. Or maybe you have kids, and you would like more alone time. Many of us are living our lives as though we will live forever.

But guess what else? You’ll never get this time back again.

Thinking about a trial I experienced when I hated my life, I can say that there were still some good things that came from it. And then, when I overcame that trial and entered into a new phase, I missed some of the things I took for granted during a time when I could have been happy.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that you will be happy “when.” Because “when” will never really come until you change your perspective.

And how do you do that?

You simply decide to be grateful and happy where you are. The grass always looks greener on the other side. And sometimes, if you do go to the other side, it’s not as great as you thought it to be.

There are many seasons in our lives that we go through. Some are more pleasant than others. But there is always something good in every season. So, I encouraged you to enjoy where you are now – it will never come back around again.


What do you think? How can you enjoy this season in your life more?

Let me know in the comments! 



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How giving really is living