How to be uplifted by art – and rise above your suffering

Art has a way of helping us transcend our circumstances. Don’t believe me? Imagine being in a psychiatric hospital with no date of release. Imagine the staff-person putting a piece of paper and color pencils in front of you, and suddenly you are outside time and space.

That’s what art does. It unleashes your imagination and takes you to places outside your physical state. It opens pathways of creativity, and creativity breeds joy.

I have found so much pleasure and joy in art. It is one of the reasons for overcoming my own suffering.

When you are allowed the freedom to create, you are empowered. Because where there is a creator, there is life.

In many ways, art brought me back to life. Here’s how you, too, can be uplifted by art and rise above your own suffering:

Understand that not everyone is an artist in the traditional sense.

But I believe every human being is a creator. Whether it is painting an oil portrait or cooking a delicious meal, everyone has the capacity to create something. All you have to do is use your imagination. Think of something you would really like to create and go and do it. There are tons of videos that teach how to do just about anything. If something intrigues you, go with it. Let your imagination flow and follow your creative side.

Once you have created your “something,” step back and reflect on it.

Look at your creation and really appreciate that YOU created it; and that it was inside of you. Appreciate the creator or artist that you are. Or, if you are simply someone who appreciates art, go to a museum or art show, and look at the art. Try to really see what the artist was trying to convey. Then appreciate the message or the creation. I can guarantee that putting your focus on beauty rather than pain will help you rise above.

Try to make time for creativity that you enjoy.

The surest way to enjoy your life and rise above suffering is to do something YOU enjoy.

When you are feeling down, come back to your creativity.

Use your suffering to create something. Whether it be a poem, a visual art piece or a fashionable outfit. Let your imagination and your experience spawn your creativity. Let it engulf you and bring you to a higher place – where you rise above and turn your own suffering into a beautiful work of art.






How to embrace your art when you feel you’re not good enough