How to overcome insecurities through self-expression

Have you ever felt like you were trapped in your fears and fear of what people may think of you? Many of us (I believe) are afraid to be ourselves because we think others may negatively judge us.

As women, we tend to constantly compare ourselves to other women. We may become quite insecure looking at women who we think are prettier, funnier, and more charismatic than us. Maybe they seem more confident or put-together than us.

But I think all of us battle insecurities from time to time – or maybe all the time. And because of our fears – it halts us from doing things or saying things because we are afraid of what others may think of us.

But I have learned (and am still learning) that self-expression can help you overcome insecurities. I know this because as a spoken word artist – I have had the privilege to express my story – and this helped me to overcome many of the insecurities I had.

To overcome insecurities, it does mean facing your fears. When I first began my spoken-word journey, I was closed up and no one knew me or my story. This is because I didn’t give myself the freedom to express myself. But there is beauty in self-expression – and because I expressed myself and my story – I found my beauty within. And this helped me to see myself in a different light.

Here’s how you, too, can overcome insecurities through self-expression:

Find a medium you feel comfortable expressing yourself in

Maybe you’re like me and you’re artsy. Use your art to express yourself. If it’s poetry, write a poem about a piece of your story. Or maybe you want to try your hand at visual art – find a way of expressing yourself in that medium. Not only will you express yourself – but you’ll also create something beautiful that comes from YOU.

Journal or write out your fears

Then think about your journey and find the points where you overcame an obstacle of some sort. Think of ways you can do the same with a particular fear or insecurity you have at this time.

Try expressing yourself daily

Let the previous two steps be a starting point. Then, when you are comfortable enough, step outside of your comfort zone and do something you’ve always wanted to do but were afraid to do it. Maybe that is going somewhere you were too afraid to go to. Maybe it was speaking up in a meeting or with a group of people. Maybe it was letting a close friend in on your story.

Whatever it is you decide to do – just know that you must be you. Your most beautiful self is the honest self. So, continue expressing yourself – and you are sure to see that beauty reflected back to you.


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