New Poem, “Rainstorms and Teardrops”

Here’s this week’s poem!

Let’s talk about it!

What do you think this poem is about? Can you relate?

Let me know in the comments!


Rainstorms and Teardrops

I’ve never liked the rain, nor the color grey

for fear of thunder clouds and dreary moods,

tears stuck in the dark numbness we know as depression

but today is different

today sadness subsides


Sometimes, self-inflicted pain must be cleansed

I think, as I drive, raindrops sprinkle a dusty windshield,

and streets shine like new

a universe purifying earth again, and I feel it too

cheeks dampened by crooked streams, running

like painful memories down gutter of my mouth

but I don’t swallow the emotion

I just let it all out


above, clouds already part the gloom,

a smile rearranging dark countenance

and bright blue is breaking through

the tears have already washed over my heart

this is the healing part


There are rare moments when darkness surrenders to light

even after we’ve conjured up the storms in our lives

our folly often overriding time itself

creating seasons, we were never meant to see


We don’t foresee blackness

inching from a far-off sky,

 rainmakers of destruction

 we’ve naively summoned our cries -



I didn’t see it coming,

overcast spreading like black smoke

a life spawned by bad choices  

self-destruction slowly covers

any good orbiting inside of you

until you are forced to realize

you were in fact the cause

and the laws of nature tell it all

it is usually our own actions thrown recklessly

into the universe

that hands us back pain in return


But sometimes, just sometimes,

the sky of our mind opens wide

and light of redemption shines like every sun

you have ever yearned for,

and you see the season

of second chances finally here,

and all you can do is shed tears

of gratitude for breakthroughs




New Poem, “Her Story”