Choose to follow your heart

“See, I believe that listening and following your heart will lead you in the direction that is best for you. You may not see it as best from a distance, but if you will allow yourself to be led by your heart you will reap the lasting benefits of it.” - Izzy Lala  

Do you ever look back and think about how you should’ve made better choices? Maybe it was a relationship, a job opportunity, or an unwise decision in your youth. All our lives we are faced with choices that determine the rest of our lives. We may not think of where our choices are leading at the time, but they are most certainly taking us somewhere.

I have made my fair share of bad choices. Some I have really regretted, and some have led me to places I would have never thought they could – both good and bad. 

When I was younger, I made foolish choices that still affect me to this day. But that’s how life is. One door you enter may lead you down a path of no return. 

Sometimes we just don’t see the outcomes. And sometimes you just don’t know if you are making the right decision. However, I can almost bet that your heart does.

See, I believe that listening and following your heart will lead you in the direction that is best for you. You may not see it as best from a distance, but if you will allow yourself to be led by your heart you will reap the lasting benefits of it.

When I was younger, I made some foolish decisions on account of not listening to my heart. I ended up with huge regret because of the poor choices I made. I learned the hard way to listen and follow my heart.

I say all that to say, don’t take the path I did. Try to listen to your heart while you can. And if you are younger, even better. However, it’s never too late to start making the right choices. 

Ultimately, it is our choices that will affect our destinies. So be determined to make the right choices today. Follow your heart.

What do you think? Where is your heart leading you?

Let me know in the comments!


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