On Not Giving Up

“We just don’t know what’s on the other side of continuing to wait, struggle or fight. But I have learned that there is always good on the other side of not giving up. Even if it’s simply strength.”

– Izzy Lala

I recently read that Erykah Badu was asked to collaborate with Dallas Area Rapid Transit (DART) to put her face and designs on the buses.

When asked in an interview by WFAA about what all of it meant to her, one of the things she said stuck with me.

“It’s confirming to keep going…not giving up actually leads to someplace,” she said in the video.

This is something I really feel right now. In life there can be many things that seems to be against us. Time, for instance, can sometimes seem to be against us.

As we work at our dreams and goals, whatever they may be, sometimes they seem to take so long to finally see them come into fruition. We sometimes get tired waiting and working on them. And many times, we even give up.

You don’t have to have big dreams to understand this. Whether it’s school, a promotion, your own business, or simply finding happiness – many of us give up too quickly before seeing the fruits of our labor.

But if you’ll just hold on a little longer and continue going, I believe good things are bound to spring from it.

Many things in our lives take time. I’ve had my fair share of hardship and waiting to know this. Yet, I have also been able to reap the fruit of waiting and not giving up.

We just don’t know what’s on the other side of continuing to wait, struggle or fight. But I have learned that there is always good on the other side of not giving up. Even if it’s simply strength.


What do you think about this? What could you achieve by not giving up? And what are you doing to keep going?


Let me know in the comments and have a great week.



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