Eternal Beauty

In our society, it’s easy to look around (or scroll down) and see all the beautiful faces around you and think that maybe you’re not beautiful enough. There’s enough emphasis placed on looks to make you want to buy anything and everything just to look like the next pretty girl. At least that’s where society seems to be to me.

But this is not new. When I was younger, most magazines had the slimmest, fairest, tallest girls with the most beautiful faces on them. We all sat in the mirrors trying to replicate what we saw on the magazine covers – only to find out that was never enough.

At an early age, I started to compare my look with others. From buying the cutest clothes to dying my hair, I was secretly competing with other girls. I wanted to be pretty outwardly, so I bought makeup, clothes, and shoes to get me there. But all the while I was neglecting what I really needed to be investing in, which was my inner beauty.

The truth is that in the world we have it backward. It’s not what you see that matters most, but it’s those things you don’t see (the inner woman) that matter far more. I remember reading somewhere, that ‘what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.’

I believe you can in fact want to look so beautiful so much that you will do just about anything to be that. Be it surgery, spending excessive money on clothing, makeup, hair, or doing things that make you feel beautiful – like hanging around people who make you feel that way about yourself. There’s nothing wrong with any of these things – until there is.

The way I see it is that many of us are looking outside of ourselves for gratification when really, we should be looking inside of ourselves for true love.


My Advice:

My advice is that if you feel like you aren’t beautiful, search deeper. Recognize the beauty that is in you – those things such as your intellect, gifts, and talents. And if you are searching for things to enhance your beauty, there’s nothing wrong with that.


I hope this post helps you see that you are not alone in wanting to feel beautiful and that it is achievable to feel that way, even when the world says otherwise.

What are some of the ways you’ve embraced your beauty?


On Not Giving Up


Sometimes all you need is Yourself