Sometimes all you need is Yourself

Have you ever thought that you need someone to be complete? Maybe it’s a man, a friend, or a family. I think many times we get lonely, and we think we need others to be happy and whole. But that same thing we think we need may make us feel even more alone if we are not careful.

For example, to feel complete we may jump into a relationship thinking a man or woman can save us or complete us. Or we may even think we need a lot of friends around to make us feel we’re important. There’s nothing wrong with wanting the comfort or communion of a partner or friends, but the truth is that their comfort will never be enough if you can’t comfort and appreciate yourself first.

According to Cigna research group on loneliness, 43.5 % of millennials claim they are lonely and Gen Z is the loneliness generation of all the generations. And for Americans ages 18-24, 79% reported feeling lonely.

Speaking from experience, I know what it’s like to want people and think that being around people will satisfy me. I’ve come a long way and have learned that in the end -the relationship you have with yourself is ultimately the longest and most important one.


My advice:

My ultimate advice is that if you think you need others to be complete or satisfied, maybe look inside and try to find out why you think there’s a void. Why do you feel something’s missing?

My next piece of advice is to find something that you like doing and do it alone. Even if you feel uncomfortable at first. Try to enjoy yourself by yourself – and see if your perspective changes about needing others.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be around others or want a significant other, I think the problem arises when we think we NEED people to make us whole and then pursue them at the cost of our relationship with ourselves – and our hearts.

Chances are you are feeling incomplete for a reason. Search out why it is you feel that way. And then make an effort to find your completeness within.

I hope this post helped you to see that you don’t need anyone or anything to be complete. You are already complete as you are.


Let me know if you have any questions or comments down below!


Eternal Beauty


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